One thing I see most often is the use if the r word. Unlike the n word, it's related to disabilities, but still has it's past. Back before a certain Autistic woman shedded light on how Autistic children deal with being overwhelmed, children diagnosed with "retardedness" were sent to different homes away from family by doctors, which was all under the permission of mothers and fathers who thought that Autistic children were too metally challenged to grow and learn. So parents sent their Autistic children away to avoid the challenge all together. These homes were usually small and cramped, filled with Autistic children who were never told right from wrong, as they were never taught how to behave. The caretakers who were there were often overwhelmed by the amount of children and either didn't care or left all together. In more recent days, before "retardedness" was changed to "Autism" by former president Obama at the request of an Autistic little girl, children diagnosed with Autism were still considered metally challenged, or in other terms, dumber then other children. So, although still raised by their biological parents, unless adopted, Autistic children were, and still are, given IEPs in school. Although the idea is well thought out, it was seriously flawed. When I was in school, I was diagnosed incorrectly due to my lack of attention. Instead of being diagnosed with ADHD a second time, I was diagnosed with emotional disruption, basically stating that I was raised wrong by my parents. Of course there's the option to be rediagnosed, you're likely to be unexpectedly "rescheduled" to another day, basically a schools way of canceling last minute. This happens because either they're too busy with other children and parents, or they just don't think this child is worth their time and don't care. After "retardedness" was changed to "Autism", giving it a more brighter light, but the word "retardedness" was shortened to "ret*rd" or "ret*rded" and given a more sader meaning. It became the new symbol of stupidity, usually used against mentally disabled people, and even mentally disabled CHILDREN. The word, although originally meaning a child was mentally challenged, soon ment MUCH more. Now used against other disabilities, like Autism, down syndrome, and even people who got their disabilities via surgery, it began to mean things such as low IQed, unable to do things in society, and useless, practically becoming the mental version of "vegetable." Although many don't seem to care, secretly deep down they probably want to give a person a piece of their mind when that word is used against anyone. Many people don't know the effect of this simple word because when anyone thinks of a slur, they think of race, not ability. Please keep in mind that this word is in fact a slur, and remind others as well. Though, there is still some use for the word "retarded" which is used to diagnose children as "mentally retarded." This means that a child's disability physically effects them, whether it be the inability to speak, to walk, or even learn properly. Some Autistic children end up mute do to their Autism, some never learn to walk, or it be a much more slower process to learn.
Say no to the r word
Updated: Dec 9, 2021